Course curriculum

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    • Christina Welcomes You

    • The One Voice One Strategy Framework

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    Phase 1: Your Voice

    • Phase 1: Everybody Wins Landscape

    • Phase 1: Discover Your Innate Marketing Genius Type

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    Phase 2: Core Content

    • Phase 2 Intro - Why Authenticity Gets a Bad Rap + Activating Your Genius Type

    • Phase 2 Resource: Activation Questions PDFs

    • Phase 2: 5 Client Field Study

    • Phase 2 Resource: Core Content Workbooks (by type)

    • Phase 2 Resource: 5 Clients Guided Journey (Audio)

    • Phase 2: Core Content Questions

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    Phase 3: Strategy

    • Phase 3: Introduction to Strategy

    • Phase 3 Resource: Strategy Workbook (for all types)

    • Phase 3: Determine Your Core Strategy

    • Phase 3: Your Supporting Strategies

    • Phase 3 Resource: Panel Interviews by Type

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    What's Next

    • Congratulations and What's Next

    • Meet with Christina